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          1. 2007

            [ ABOUT COMPANY ]

            Specialization & innovation

            Zhejiang Shengdi Technology Inc is

            China energy meter test benches manufacturers and energy meter test benches suppliers

            , we specializing in the development and production of electric measuring instruments (electric energy measuring instruments) with high technology as the core and innovation and progress as the driving force for development.
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            Why choose us?

            News Center

            • Wholesale DC Reference Standard Meter

              Wholesale DC Reference Standard Meter

              Wholesale DC Reference Standard Meter is a high accuracy class 0.02 DC power and energy measuring instrument, widely used in electric power, industrial and mili...

            • Water Meter Measurement Benches Manufacturer

              Water Meter Measurement Benches Manufacturer

              The use of a water meter test bench is common among water utilities in the US and abroad for verifying new meters before they are installed or testing existing ...

            • Single-Phase Energy Meter Test Bench Manufacturers

              Single-Phase Energy Meter Test Bench Manufacturers

              A single-phase energy meter is an electrical device that is used to measure the amount of electric power consumed by households or commercial outlets. These met...

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                    1. 韩国妈妈的朋友